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Browse the questions below for more information about orthodontics.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Braces are more affordable than ever before. Back in the 70’s they cost what a new car costs — so we have really worked hard to keep them affordable and within reach of most families. Pricing is based on the severity of the problem and what it will take to fix it. Typically, treatment fees range from $4,500 – $6,500. We offer a complimentary initial exam so we can go over the fee and all the flexible payment options with you.
It is usually easy to see crooked teeth, but it is important for a professional to take a look because some severe issues are hard to spot. We have a Kids Club for kids aged 7 & up to provide children with complimentary growth check-ups. We can track jaw growth and development over time so we can start treatment, if necessary, at the appropriate time.
Early symptoms can include: tooth wear, baby teeth not falling out, new adult teeth not coming in on time, and speech and breathing problems – to name a few.
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children have an initial evaluation by an orthodonist by age 7. At this age, baby teeth are beginning to be replaced with permanent teeth and jaw issues can be easily detected. Rather than wait until the growth patterns are set, we can proactively treat the problem early on to prevent more invasive treatment later. It is important to note that most 7 year olds do NOT need braces. We believe in appropriate treatment at the appropriate age. Early screening exams are FREE. It is far better to check in, than miss something serious. Prevention is better than a cure.
Never. As long as there is need and the teeth are healthy, we can treat with braces. We have treatedd patients into their eighties and they all do great! It is never too late to start smiling.
The technology we use today provides more comfort for our patients than ever before. Self-ligation braces provide less force than the cranking we used to have to do back in the day!
Absolutely! We work around missing teeth, crowns, bridges, implants, etc. Sometimes this is even the reason we are doing treatment – to help make reconstructive treatment more predictable.
Every case is different but the average duration is 18 months in our offices. Average treatment time is greatly reduced with the self-ligating technology we use in our practice.
Traditional braces used to require teeth be removed to make space for crowding. Nowadays, the new philosophy is to keep all teeth and create bigger, broader smiles. This is made possible with the help of self-ligating technology, which creates more space to fit the teeth in without having to extract any teeth.
There are clear, metal and now invisible braces — with Invisalign. We specialize in all kinds of braces from self-ligating to Invisalign aligners to provide the best solution for each patient’s needs.